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Scientific journal «Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe»

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Cover of scientific journal «Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe»

ISSN 2072-8816 (print)          ISSN 2408-9079 (online)


Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Science – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Samara Federal Research Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

Togliatti branch of Russian Botanical Society

UNESCO Chair at the IEVB RAS – Branch of SamSC RAS «Study and Conservation of Biodiversity of Ecosystems of the Volga River Basin»

«Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe» is an international scientific journal which publishes the results of original research in the field of study of phytodiversity (including ecology and evolution of vegetation cover, taxonomic and syntaxonomic diversity, systematic, paleobotany, algology, lichenology, mycology, briology). The journal publishes materials of floristic and geobotanical descriptions, their analysis and theoretical generalizations based on them, articles devoted to modern methods of plant research.

Indexed by the Russian Science Citation Index (eLIBRARY ID: 32312).

Languages: Russian and English.

Periodicity: 4 volume per year.

Published in Togliatti since 2006.

Founder of the publishing project is Doctor of Biology, Professor S.V. Saksonov.

Chief editor: Vasjukov V.M., Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Togliatti, Russia.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Stamenov M.N. , Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Togliatti, Russia.

Editorial board:

Author guidelines

Principles of editorial ethics


Journal «Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe», Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 Komzin str., Togliatti, Samara reg., 445003, Russia
Phone: +7 (8482) 48-96-88; fax: +7 (8482) 48-95-04;
E-mail: vvasjukov@yandex.ru


Контактная информация: Адрес: 443001, Самара, Студенческий переулок, 3А
Телефон: +7 (846) 337-53-81, 340-06-20; факс: +7 (846) 337-82-79
Эл. почта: presidium@ssc.smr.ru