The scientists of the Samara region
Vladimir Pavlovich Shorin

V.P. Shorin was born in 1939 in Nizhny Lomov of the Penza region. He graduated with honors in 1963 from the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (now Samara State Aerospace University) with a degree in mechanical engineering for aircraft engines. From 1963 to 1966 he studied in graduate school, and then worked at the Institute as an assistant, senior lecturer (1968), associate professor (1969) at the structures and design of aircraft engines department, since 1982 - Head at the automated systems of power plants department. Defended his doctoral thesis in 1980, the title of professor he was awarded in 1981.
In 1975, V.P. Shorin appointed vice-rector of the Institute for evening classes, in 1983 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, in 1988 was elected rector of the institute.
From July 1990 to September 1993 - Chairman of the Committee on Science and Public Education of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, since 1994 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
V.P. Shorin - a prominent scientist in the field of dynamics of workflow engines and power plants. Under the leadership of V.P. Shorin developed technical guidance materials of aircraft, regulating a single design methodology jitter in hydraulic, gas and fuel systems of aircraft and engines, which are used to now. This has greatly reduce the time of finishing products. He created in the 90's dampers and corrective devices to ensure the efficiency of the hydraulic system of the aircraft AN-124, the hydraulic drive unit steering gears booster JSC SRC «Progress» fuel systems of aircraft engines D-18 and NK-25. Its gas dampers have been used in the systems components supply liquid rocket thrusters. At the enterprises of the Russian Federation introduced the methods and means to ensure the stability of regulators pneumohydraulic systems products rocketry. Significant economic benefits given under the guidance of V.P. Shorin methods of accelerated life testing of aircraft units, pipelines and connections. Besides aviation and aerospace technology, in this period under the leadership of V.P. Shorin established means of reducing the vibro-acoustic loads for stationary power plants, high-performance exhaust silencers production equipment and silencers manual mechanized pneumatic tools.
In the early 1980s V.P. Shorin organized research in the field of laser technology. Work was carried out on the dynamics of the gas paths of the laser, developed methods for calculating dynamic characteristics of high-power gas-discharge lasers as a control object. We investigated the processes of formation of the plasma electrode pulsed and repetitively pulsed lasers.
Scientific School "Dynamic processes in engines and power plants," created V.P. Shorin, since 2005 is one of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation.
Vladimir Pavlovich Shorin - author of over 340 scientific papers, including 15 monographs, 10 textbooks, 72 patents for inventions. Among his students are 14 doctors and 40 candidates of sciences.
Since 1994 V.P. Shorin - head of Samara Scientific Center RAS. At his suggestion in Samara opened two institutions and two branches Institute, established telecommunication network of education and science.
Merit Vladimir Pavlovich Shorin marked by a number of awards, prizes and honors: the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship, the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, the RF Government Prize in the field of science and technology, the RF Government Prize in Education Award President of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the title of Honored worker of Science and technology of the RSFSR, "Honorary Aircraft Builder", "Honorary worker of Higher Professional education".
Контактная информация:
Адрес: 443001, Самара, Студенческий пер., 3А,
Тел. (8462) 32-62-53; Факс. (8462) 32-55-34;