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Federal State Public Institution of Science
Samara Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SamSC RAS)

Scientific journal “The Proceedings of the Samara Academy of Sciences (RAS*)”.*Russian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences, Humanities, biomedical sciences

PDF Magazine Issues

Обложка журнала «Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences»

The social, humanitarian and biomedical area as a part of the Academic journal the Proceedings of the Samara Academy of Sciences RAS has an archive since 2008 (see the news archives of scientific field) publication history since 2002 (Special issues of Proceedings).

Archive of the scientific field

The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences and Higher Doctorate degree.

The magazine is published six times a year.

Fields of science included in the HAC* list: *Higher Attestation Commission :

The journal accepts for publication research articles from PhD students, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, specialists and experts in the study of higher education pedagogy, philology, culture and the arts (headings of the specialties reviewed by HAC: "SOCIAL SCIENCES", "HUMANITIES"). Book reviews are also accepted (section "REVIEWS") and materials covering current events in the life of scientific and educational-scientific communities (section "SCIENTIFIC LIFE").

It is the policy of the Editorial Board to achieve the appropriate quality of published articles by strictly adhering to research publication ethics, adhering to editorial standards for submission of articles, making them available to a wide range of interested parties (open access journal) and relatively short review and publication deadlines for scientific papers.

Articles are published on a paid contractual basis at the rate of 800 rubles per layout page (the price includes VAT - 20%-133 rubles 33 kopecks) + 300 rubles for the DOI index for the article.

No more than 2 manuscripts of one author (authored and co-authored, or two co-authored articles) will be accepted per issue.

The article should be accompanied by signed, scanned documents by the author(s):

  1. Author(s) resume (specimen)
  2. Postgraduate student certificate (for postgraduate students)
  3. Author's reference.

Accompanying documents for published articles are archived and stored in the archive of Samara Scientific Centre of RAS and can be claimed on request of HAC of the Russian Federation.

Entrance (blind) reviewing of incoming manuscripts is carried out based on the accompanying documents to the article, within the basic requirements for publications in the journals of the HAC list of the Russian Federation and GOST* R 7.0.100-2018. * Russian National Standard

A negative review is grounds for a reasoned refusal to publish in the current issue - the article is returned to the author for revision.

Read more about the rules of manuscript submission to the journal " The Proceedings Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, Humanities, Biomedical Sciences": (requirements to the design of articles).

Samara authors receive their author's copy free of charge at the editorial office, and those from other cities (at the request of the authors) can receive their author's copy by postal service of Russia (the author is to pay for it separately).

Editorial board of the journal

Editorial Board of the journal "The Proceedings Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, Humanities, Biomedical Sciences":

Editor-in-chief - E. A. Radaeva (Doctor of Cultural Sciences, PhD in Philology, Scientific Editor of the Samara Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Vice editor-in-chief O. M. Buranok (Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Samara Region, Head of the Department of Literature, Journalism and Teaching Methodology at Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education).

Editorial board members:

Reminder for organising the review of articles

Website links:

HAC (peer-reviewed publications)

Useful files:



Contact info

Address: 3A, Student's Lane, Samara, 443001.
Phone: +7 846 337-53-81 - Reception Office of the Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
E-mail: presidium@ssc.smr.ru
Academic editor: Radaeva Ella Aleksandrovna.
E-mail: radaeva@ssc.smr.ru, izvestiasochum@gmail.com
Phone number: +7 846 332-63-04, +7 927 734-34-10.


Contact info: Address: 3A, Student's Lane, Samara, 443001
Phone: +7 846 337-53-81.
E-mail: presidium@ssc.smr.ru